Home > 4-H Exploration Days

4-H Exploration Days

June 17th, 2014 at 01:26 pm

4-H Exploration Days is an opportunity for young 4-H members, at least age 11, to explore the campus at Michigan State University for three days each summer. Participants enroll themselves in either one long educational session, or two shorter educational sessions. Of course, participants also walk around campus, ride the bus around campus, and fool around with their friends.

Explorations Days is really a big recruitment tool. It worked on me, even though I only attended once. I think DW attended three or four times. We were there at the same time in probably 1986 or 1987, but our paths didn't cross.

DD1 is attending Exploration Days for her first time beginning tomorrow. She is super, super excited. She's been saving money for most of the past year, and has $40 saved. It may or may not all get spent there.

DW will be attending as a chaperon. DD2 will spend some time with a favorite aunt, and I will stay home with the boys. I'll only be taking two days off from work, as the boys are in school tomorrow, but not Thursday or Friday.

This will be a good opportunity for DD1 to learn about saving and spending money. I remember the year I went, I bought an MSU hat for $11. My dad was beside himself about that. It was white corduroy, with green lettering, and impossible to keep clean. I learned something about impulse buying. That's why we're letting DD1 manage her own funds. Better to learn now, than later.

2 Responses to “4-H Exploration Days”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm sure she will have a blast! I completely agree that letting her spend her money and learn from it now is a good lesson.

  2. snafu Says:

    What a wonderful opportunity for kids. I wish my university did something similar. They host a one day Open House for high school kids that seems to do more to turn kids off. Parents are tour guide who spend most of the day lost, in the wrong building or unable to figure out our plus 15 [15 ft. above ground corridors] walkways.

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