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What a difference two years makes

October 3rd, 2012 at 06:14 pm

I dug up CC information that I included in my first blog post. It included information from Nov. 2010. I compared it to my current credit card balances, and monthly due. The bottom line is that during the past two years, we have paid off a whopping $17.9K in CC debt!

We have eliminated two CC's, and dramatically cut the interest rate on two other CC's (one was at 16.99%, and has been transferred twice to 0.00% cards, and the other reduced the APR from 12.9% to 8.9%).

Our monthly minimum due has dropped from $990 to $250. In Nov. 2010, about $190 was going toward interest. This month, we will spend $24 on CC interest (still too much!). We didn't have two thin dimes to rub together at the end of the month two years ago.

It's been a long hill to climb, and the climb isn't over, but the terrain is a lot flatter now.

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