Home > Mileage Reimbursement

Mileage Reimbursement

July 8th, 2014 at 02:07 pm

I blogged, I don't know, a while back - maybe a month or six weeks ago, that we were having trouble keeping up with the expense of driving our sons to an autism clinic about 25 miles away.

DW waded through the maze of red tape, paper work, and phone calls, and finally got approved for mileage reimbursement to and from the autism clinic. We were also approved for mileage reimbursement to and from physical therapy twice per week for DS 2- that's 12 miles RT, so not such a big deal, but nice.

This is all covered through Medicaid - your tax dollars at work. Thank you.

There's a ready-made program in place for the tri-county area around metro Detroit. Those three counties comprise approximately half the population of the state. The other half of us not in the area have to work a little harder to get the benefit.

1 Responses to “Mileage Reimbursement”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Yes! Glad you are receiving the benefits you are due, too bad you have to work harder for it than some people.

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