Home > February Net Worth

February Net Worth

February 3rd, 2014 at 06:06 pm

I wish I had remembered to do this last month, so I could have beginning of the year numbers. Oh well.


Checking - 1,366
EF - 3,500
Pick up - 8,800
Van - 850
Lawn Mower - 1,700
Home (7/12 appraisal) - 77,000
Retirement Fund - 142,977

Total Assets - 236,193


Amazon CC - 175
Pick up - 6,975
Mortgage - 50,676

Total Liabilities - 57,826

Net Worth - 178,367

We took money out of our EF to cover repairs on family van. Once we get the insurance money back, we can replenish the EF back to 6K.

Retirement fund took an approximate 2.5K hit from the beginning of last month.

The Amazon will not begin to accrue interest until June.

I would guess that the house would appraise for more than that now, but a number any different than that would be a pure guess.

We'll get a 1.9K check from the state of Michigan this week - adoption subsidy. I also need to turn in reimbursement at work - not sure how much. Probably between $500 and $600. Other than that, we have no more cash coming in this month.

We also need to pay property taxes - about $400.

All in all, happy with current net worth.

3 Responses to “February Net Worth”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    You could recreate your beginning of the year numbers from account statements. Smile
    Good job on your increasing net worth.

  2. snafu Says:

    Suggest looking at Zillow for a consistent point of reference for home and property evaluation. Mid election year always causes gyrations in stock/MF investments. So much investment is based on emotions. It's a 'hold your nose' and continue the plan. I keep telling myself, it' like being 'on sale.'

  3. Bob B. Says:

    Petunia - You're right, of course. I meant more from the standpoint of having those figures archived in SA. Not a biggie.

    snafu - WOW! The Zestimate is $142,699. Not sure I believe that.

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