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I opened a new credit card

January 24th, 2014 at 07:58 pm

I opened a new credit card in November. It's through I charged DW's birthday gift, and all the Christmas gifts I bought. The total I charged was about $275.

It was a - no interest for six months - deal. My minimum payment is $25. I've paid $50 each of the past two months. My plan is to have it paid in full before the six months is up.

Our girls have a swim meet tomorrow. We'll have to drive a couple hours north to get to it. The roads might be nasty, and it will definitely be cold, so we may have to make a decision in the morning.

A gentleman from my church died yesterday. I didn't know him very well, but he was a retired State Trooper, a big, healthy looking man. I'm not sure how old he was, but he wasn't *that* old. Maybe 60? Why it's hitting me oddly is that he and his wife were in church last Sunday, and he appeared happy and healthy. Apparently he had a known heart issue.

That's it for now. Hope you all have a great weekend!

2 Responses to “I opened a new credit card”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I think it is nice that the last time you saw the man he was happy! May that memory stay with you.

  2. snafu Says:

    Your post reminds us that our lives are so unpredictable. It's my hope that happy memories help ease the pain of all those he loved.

    I'm confident that you'll get the remaining $175. paid before the 0% time frame expires. We all know that the dangers of those promotions are the higher than regular interest rate that snaps into place from the purchase date for any remaining balance.

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