Home > I'm Running Again

I'm Running Again

June 12th, 2013 at 03:52 pm

Not so much on the financial end - except for possible future health care savings - but I've taken up running again.

I've had an on again off again relationship with running. I ran during the summer 5 years ago, and again three years ago. I ran a 5K race each of those summers, and my running habit fizzled out after each of the 5Ks.

I started running a week ago Monday, and as of this morning I'm up to about 1,300 meters (0.8 mi.) of constant running without stopping. Then I walk for about another quarter mile, turn around and walk back toward home, and jog the last tenth of a mile. I aim to get in 30-40 minutes of exercise in the morning before I go to work. My littlest guy is usually up between 5:45 and 6:15 in the morning, so I put him in the jogging stroller and go. Occasionally his older brother will join us.

I've targeted 2-5Ks this summer. One will be the weekend of July 4th, and the other is the second weekend of August. The July race may have to be a run/walk for me, but if I'm aggressive with my morning routine, I may be able to run all of it.

I'm really busy with work in May (thus the lapse in posting to this blog). The work is fairly physical, and between the work schedule last month and the exercise this month, I've lost about six pounds since the beginning of May. If I lost another six or ten pounds by the end of the summer, I'd be a happy camper.

3 Responses to “I'm Running Again”

  1. SecretarySaving Says:

    I think its very cool that you are back to running again. I'm sure the little guy loved it as well.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I see so many people take up running, or, well, mostly jogging in the spring, but probably 90% of them are gone by summer!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good for you!

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