Home > My 100th Blog Post!

My 100th Blog Post!

March 14th, 2012 at 02:25 pm

I started blogging here about 11 months ago, and it's taken this long to hit 100 posts.

For my 100th blog post, I'd first like to thank everyone who has offered advice and words of encouragement to me over the past 11 months. I've come a long way since I began posting here. With that, I'd like to offer what I've found to be the benefits of posting in the SA blogs.

1 - Accountability. I've never met any of you personally, and I wouldn't recognize a single one of you if I met you on the street. But I feel accountable to you. Of course, I'm first accountable to my family, and second to my debt holders, but each month when I post my debt progress, I'm looking to hold up my end of the "bargain" that I've made with you as a group to make good progress in paying down my debts.

2 - Advice. You are full of good advice. I've found 97.5% of it to be very good advice. The SA forums are very good for advice as well, but it seems to be offered at a more personal level here in the blogs.

3 - Organization of thought. Just typing things out helps me organize my thoughts, and set my priorities.

4 - Perspective of others. Following other blogs helps me set goals, and also shows that others are struggling, or have struggled in the past with debt similar to mine.

That's it for now. Thanks for following as many of my other 99 posts as you have. Hoping to report more progress over the next 100 posts.

8 Responses to “My 100th Blog Post!”

  1. laura Says:

    Happy 100th Post! I suppose I'm the 215th comment? According to your blog stats on the left. I enjoy your blog!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Happy 100th post!! You are doing awesome. Thanks for blogging.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Happy 100th post too!! Keep up the good work.

  4. Swimgirl Says:

    Happy 100th!

  5. MonkeyMama Says:

    You've said it very well - precisely why I do love blogging here.

    Happy 100th!

  6. ceejay74 Says:

    Congratulations Bob! You've made great progress and I enjoy reading about it.

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    I find the blogs much more useful as a support system when getting out of debt than the forums. It is definitely a more focused place. The forums feel more like general knowledge, while the blogs become specific, and I think we definitely get to know each other better.

  8. snafu Says:

    Good on you for being open, acknowledging problems, and working towards goals. The act of writing things down seems to strengthen commitment. Being willing to listen to suggestions is a huge step forward.

    So many folks keep a closed mind, continue doing the same things they've always done in the same way, and wonder why they keep getting the same, unpleasant outcome.

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