Home > Lottery Tickets

Lottery Tickets

September 20th, 2011 at 01:18 pm

I've bought a lottery ticket exactly once in my life - just after I turned 18 in 1990 - because I could. I spent a dollar, didn't win, and have never bought a ticket since.

I've come to believe that the state lottery system is simply a regressive tax on people who largely cannot afford to play. And, I also get annoyed at people who stand in front of me at gas stations and convenience stores and laboriously choose their scratch-off selections, or numbers to play that night.

A couple of days ago, I was in line at a store, and an older well-dressed gentleman, probably about 75, dropped $80 on ten and twenty dollar scratch-offs. We walked out of the store at the same time, and he drove off in a newish Cadillac.

Obviously, I don't know if the car is paid for, or any other single thing about his financial standing, but he didn't really fit the profile of a typical lottery ticket purchaser.

1 Responses to “Lottery Tickets”

  1. Jerry Says:

    I get really frustrated at the lottery stuff, as well, because the majority of the people who spend a load of money on it tend not to have the resources to be making that kind of discretionary purchase. And it is not just a problem in the States, either, in the past month I have been in line behind people buying lottery tickets in Bulgaria, Switzerland, and England. It leads to a money maker for the government, so there's no insurance that it will go away any time soon.

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